![o](ftv2mnode.png) sf | |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Blend | Enumerate the blending modes for drawable objects |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Joy | Definition of joystick axis for joystick events |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Key | Definition of key codes for keyboard events |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Mouse | Definition of button codes for mouse events |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Style | Enumeration of window creation styles |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) AudioResource | Abstract base class for every class that owns a device-dependant resource – allow them to initialize / shutdown even when the audio context is not created |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Listener | Listener is a global interface for defining the audio listener properties ; the audio listener is the point in the scene from where all the sounds are heard |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Music | Music defines a big sound played using streaming, so usually what we call a music :) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Sound | Sound defines the properties of a sound such as position, volume, pitch, etc |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SoundBuffer | SoundBuffer is the low-level for loading and manipulating sound buffers |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SoundBufferRecorder | Specialized SoundRecorder which saves the captured audio data into a sound buffer |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SoundRecorder | SoundRecorder is an interface for capturing sound data, it is meant to be used as a base class |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2mnode.png) SoundStream | SoundStream is a streamed sound, ie samples are acquired while the sound is playing |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Chunk | Structure defining a chunk of audio data to stream |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Color | Color is an utility class for manipulating 32-bits RGBA colors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Drawable | Abstract base class for every object that can be drawn into a render window |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Font | Font is the low-level class for loading and manipulating character fonts |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Glyph | Structure describing a glyph (a visual character) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Image | Image is the low-level class for loading and manipulating images |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Matrix3 | Utility class to manipulate 3x3 matrices representing 2D transformations |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) PostFX | PostFX is used to apply a post effect to a window |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Rect | Rect is an utility class for manipulating rectangles |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) RenderTarget | Base class for all render targets (window, image, ...) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) RenderWindow | Simple wrapper for sf::Window that allows easy 2D rendering |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Shape | Shape defines a drawable convex shape ; it also defines helper functions to draw simple shapes like lines, rectangles, circles, etc |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Sprite | Sprite defines a sprite : texture, transformations, color, and draw on screen |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) String | String defines a graphical 2D text, that can be drawn on screen |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) View | This class defines a view (position, size, etc.) ; you can consider it as a 2D camera |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2mnode.png) Ftp | This class provides methods for manipulating the FTP protocol (described in RFC 959) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) DirectoryResponse | Specialization of FTP response returning a directory |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ListingResponse | Specialization of FTP response returning a filename lisiting |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Response | This class wraps a FTP response, which is basically : |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2mnode.png) Http | This class provides methods for manipulating the HTTP protocol (described in RFC 1945) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Request | This class wraps an HTTP request, which is basically : |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Response | This class wraps an HTTP response, which is basically : |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) IPAddress | IPAddress provides easy manipulation of IP v4 addresses |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Packet | Packet wraps data to send / to receive through the network |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Selector | Selector allow reading from multiple sockets without blocking |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SelectorBase | Private base class for selectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SocketTCP | SocketTCP wraps a socket using TCP protocol to send data safely (but a bit slower) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SocketUDP | SocketUDP wraps a socket using UDP protocol to send data fastly (but with less safety) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SocketHelper | This class defines helper functions to do all the non-portable socket stuff |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Clock | Clock is an utility class for manipulating time |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Lock | Lock is an exception-safe automatic wrapper for locking and unlocking mutexes |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) NonCopyable | Utility base class to easily declare non-copyable classes |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Randomizer | Randomizer is an utility class for generating pseudo-random numbers |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Resource | Base class for every resource that needs to notify dependent classes about its destruction |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) ResourcePtr | Safe pointer to a T resource (inheriting from sf::Resource<T>), its pointer is automatically reseted when the resource is destroyed |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2mnode.png) Unicode | Provides utility functions to convert from and to any unicode and ASCII encoding |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) Text | This class is an abstract definition of a unicode text, it can be converted from and to any kind of string and encoding |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Vector2 | Vector2 is an utility class for manipulating 2 dimensional vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Vector3 | Vector3 is an utility class for manipulating 3 dimensional vectors |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Mutex | Mutex defines a mutex (MUTual EXclusion) object, that allows a thread to lock critical instructions to avoid simultaneous access with other threads |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Thread | Thread defines an easy way to manipulate a thread |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Context | Class wrapping an OpenGL context |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2mnode.png) Event | Event defines a system event and its parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) JoyButtonEvent | Joystick buttons events parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) JoyMoveEvent | Joystick axis move event parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) KeyEvent | Keyboard event parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MouseButtonEvent | Mouse buttons events parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MouseMoveEvent | Mouse move event parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) MouseWheelEvent | Mouse wheel events parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) SizeEvent | Size events parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) TextEvent | Text event parameters |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Input | Input handles real-time input from keyboard and mouse |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) VideoMode | VideoMode defines a video mode (width, height, bpp, frequency) and provides static functions for getting modes supported by the display device |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) Window | Window is a rendering window ; it can create a new window or connect to an existing one |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![o](ftv2node.png) WindowListener | Base class for classes that want to receive events from a window (for internal use only) |
![|](ftv2vertline.png) ![\](ftv2lastnode.png) WindowSettings | Structure defining the creation settings of windows |
![\](ftv2lastnode.png) ResourcePtr | |